How can you help our nonprofit send care packages to some of the most remote of the roughly 150,000 U.S. military troops serving overseas in 2025?

1) Donate Financially - Our greatest need is cash for our mailing costs. With no paid staff, we strive to maximize the use of donations. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so your gifts are tax deductible. We accept checks to Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011. You can donate via credit card through our Click and Pledge account. Or you can Venmo us at NancyCarter@AirborneAngels.

2) Donate Goods - Our all-volunteer charity is based in the Dallas area, but receives product donations from across the USA for care packages for our Soldiers and Troops overseas. We kindly request that you contact us at before sending any care package goods.

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Summer recap

This summer was a whirlwind for us in terms of boxes sent. In June, the Dallas Morning News ran a fabulous 2 page article, written by Jacquielynn Floyd, about the Airborne Angels and our mission and the response from the area readers was absolutely overwhelming and quite moving. Those responses allowed us to send the remainder of our 16,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to over 300 platoons. Those platoons received large boxes containing 32-36 cookie boxes with several platoons receiving multiple boxes due to the number of soldiers served.
The letters and emails that we received from these soldiers after they received a "taste of home" reminded us as to why we continue with our mission. I have posted a few of the many for your reading.
The article also brought us many new local friends and supporters.
Wells Fargo Foothills took us on as their community service project and hosted a "packing party" for us in July. With their generous donations for goods and shipping, and the assistance of our team members, we were able to pack and send over 55 boxes to 3 different platoons. After having so much fun, they have chosen to host another packing party in November in time for the holiday season. Thank you Well Fargo Foothills!!!
Another donor made a generous donation to our cause that will allow us a great start heading into the holidays. We are currently supporting 10 different platoons with a reach to as many as 2000 soldiers in the more remote locations. These packages this holiday season will be extremely important to many soldiers as they will serve as a reminder of a second holiday season away from family and loved ones for those soldiers. Giving them something special and letting them know they are not forgotten is our goal. We are asking your assistance in achieving that goal.
Thanks and happy fall!