Happy New Year!!!
We continue to receive wonderful emails from soldiers for the care packages they receive. Here are a few of the latest ones.
Dear Ms. Carter,
I would like to thank you and the Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas for your kindness and generosity. We received the care packages you sent us and were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from your organization. The Soldiers of the 115th Combat Support Hospital greatly appreciate the time and effort it took to prepare and send the items we received and they are very grateful. You are all great Americans. Thank you so much.
Serving with pride,
I'm pretty slow at this but never forgotten. I and the other 19 Soldiers here with the 363d Quartermaster battalion in Baghdad are so grateful for the boxes you and the other awesome volunteers packed and mailed with love and support to us.
We've been so blessed and touched by your support and concern. Those extra sheets hit the spot (I took the Nascar ones. thought I might get made too much fun of if I used the leopard skin ones). The letters from the kids are one of the favorites. I'm pretty sure some of our guys have written back to the kids who gave addresses.
Thanks for the blessing you've given us and the taste of home we're all missing.
And part of another......
Hi I'm one of the soldiers from 363rd Det 3. I wanted to personally thank you for all you've done to keep us happy and our minds distracted from the time away from our loved ones. Julie just told us all about the packing party and I can't be the only one excited about all the fun stuff coming this way! You guys are awesome! It sounds like quite the operation and I can't imagine you get enough thank yous, and even if you do... there's no such thing as too many! I've found it's been a lot better here this time around as far as time passing and not missing home as much,
You are really making the day of a lot of soldiers out here, myself especially. Some of these guys have family and boyfriends, girlfriends... whatever, but for those of us that came out here basically flying blind with nobody back home except a couple family members with too much on their plate without me being on it... you are really keeping my spirits up! The granola bars were a brilliant idea! I work long ass hours at the office so it's nice to not have to get up for breakfast and lose more sleep when I can grab a granola bar with my coffee in the morning. It's a real life saver! Thanks again and I hope this finds you well! Take care and I hope to talk to you again soon!
SGT Darrick N
We will continue to send these packages throughout the year so keep those donations coming!!! Our next packing party will be at the end of February and Girl Scout cookie season will be upon us.
How can you help our nonprofit send care packages to some of the most remote of the roughly 150,000 U.S. military troops serving overseas in 2025?
1) Donate Financially - Our greatest need is cash for our mailing costs. With no paid staff, we strive to maximize the use of donations. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so your gifts are tax deductible. We accept checks to Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011. You can donate via credit card through our Click and Pledge account. Or you can Venmo us at NancyCarter@AirborneAngels.
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