How can you help our nonprofit send care packages to some of the most remote of the roughly 150,000 U.S. military troops serving overseas in 2025?

1) Donate Financially - Our greatest need is cash for our mailing costs. With no paid staff, we strive to maximize the use of donations. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so your gifts are tax deductible. We accept checks to Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011. You can donate via credit card through our Click and Pledge account. Or you can Venmo us at NancyCarter@AirborneAngels.

2) Donate Goods - Our all-volunteer charity is based in the Dallas area, but receives product donations from across the USA for care packages for our Soldiers and Troops overseas. We kindly request that you contact us at before sending any care package goods.

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April messages from soldiers overseas

Nancy - Airborne Angel Cadets -
... we recieved the care packages over the past two weeks.  Thanks to your entire organization - the items that you sent were very nice and appreciated - a bit of home. All is well depsite the overall issues that have been happening. Take care - thank you again for your support.
J.D. - Afghanistan

Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas,
I am CPT Michael ... here at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.  I want to take the time to thank you for the enormous care package that you sent to my Battery.  We have 80 Soldiers here, so everything went quickly.  Your support of Soldiers deployed everywhere is so meaningful.  It really raises the morale when we get a care package and everyone can dig in and share all of the treats.  I attached a picture of us on our site in case you keep a collection of your adopted units.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of the Soldiers opening the because because it all went so fast.  All you would have seen was an empty box.

Please continue your support of deployed Soldiers.  Your work really is noticed over here.
V/R, CPT Michael

Im just emailing you to let you know i have recieved the care package that you have sent to me and my team in afghanistan, it truley means alot that their are people out their who support the troops.  Everything you sent was perfect especially the protien bars and girl scout cookies, we dont have alot of stuff that we buy here other than tolitries so snacks and stuff like that make up for the chow hall food, but i just want to say thank you for the package and thanks for your support.
sincerely, jeremy / USAF
Nancy, Cookies arrived today.  We just completed our semi annual weigh ins so we can enjoy the cookies.  thanks for everything and will be keeping an eye out for the other boxes.

This is SPC Soe, Chaplain Assistant, from Kuwait. I have received your 2 packages from one of my soldiers, and found your info and letter inside the package. I just want to say thank you for the Girl Scouts cookies, iced green tea mix, and phone cards. We all enjoy it all.

Now Kuwait is getting hot and the humid is getting high. Heat will be 115-125 degree in the summer.
We need to hydrate in this kind of weather but we don't want to drink regular water all day long. So this kind of drink mix is our best friend for the summer.

Once again, we thank you and appreciate for your support and love for our troops.
Blessings, Very Respectfully, SPC Soe, Pyai