We are just so impressed with the value of such a school project to the students, and ultimately for the American soldiers receiving the results of their hard work.
Nancy Carter of Airborne Angel Cadets meeting the students |
The students would choose a business, develop a business plan, carry out the business plan, and utilize the profits to buy products that would be donated for our care packages to soldiers overseas.
They chose a business (Sweet Tooth Bakery) of selling homemade cookies and cupcakes to students and teachers.
Business decisions had to be made regarding job responsibilities, voting procedures, business name, logos, artwork, photography, production management, marketing, advertising, financial management, scheduling of hours, etc. In the process many software tools (spreadsheets to analyze the budget, etc.) had to be utilized. The students gained valuable skills and insights into the operations of a small business.
After the profits were spent on care package items, the goods were packed into four separate groups for the four units receiving the goods. Personal notes, cards and a description of their business experiences will also be included in their care packages, which will arrive in Afghanistan in time for Valentines Day, 2013.
From the Marauder Daily Pride:
"This innovative project had students engaged in meaningful and relevant business decisions such as shop set-up, job descriptions, duties, advertising, production, profit analysis and a business binder to document and save important information about the business."
“The bakery has been so much fun. We’ve been able to learn to bake, work together, manage money, advertise and learn how hard it is to run a business,” student Nathan Little said.
We thank Tracey Bell and her students for all the hard work! We are sure the troops will appreciate your care packages and the great personal effort you put into your class project.