How can you help our nonprofit send care packages to some of the most remote of the roughly 150,000 U.S. military troops serving overseas in 2025?

1) Donate Financially - Our greatest need is cash for our mailing costs. With no paid staff, we strive to maximize the use of donations. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so your gifts are tax deductible. We accept checks to Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011. You can donate via credit card through our Click and Pledge account. Or you can Venmo us at NancyCarter@AirborneAngels.

2) Donate Goods - Our all-volunteer charity is based in the Dallas area, but receives product donations from across the USA for care packages for our Soldiers and Troops overseas. We kindly request that you contact us at before sending any care package goods.

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North Texas Giving Day 2020

The Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas is participating in Communities Foundation of Texas’ 12th Annual North Texas Giving Day, an online giving extravaganza for the whole North Texas region.  North Texas Giving Day helps us with our mission:  To support American men and women serving abroad in harm's way by supplying them with goodies, needs and comforts of home, along with thoughts and prayers, to let them know that we, at home, care and support them and that they are not forgotten. By participating, we are able to reach more troops and make an even greater impact.

In 2019, $50 million was raised through more than 169,000 gifts benefiting nearly 3,000 local nonprofits, bringing the eleven-year total to over $290 million for our community. North Texas Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation. During North Texas Giving Day, everyone has the opportunity to be a philanthropist to build a stronger and more vibrant community.  We invite you to help us support our men and women serving in harm's way and reach our goal of $10,000 on September 17th.

Dollar for dollar matching funds are a great way to inspire people to give and to help us reach our goal on North Texas Giving Day.  Would you be interested in supporting our mission this year by providing a matching fund that we could promote and leverage on North Texas Giving Day?  By matching gifts, you demonstrate your commitment to our cause and our military troops.   Also, your help with a matching fund will encourage donors to rise to the challenge on September 17th.

To donate, please go to:

For more information on North Texas Giving Day, visit