Here are a couple thank you notes along with some pictures from the units that received the care packages we sent earlier this month.
We have received your care packages and are now in the process of sending them out to our 10 FOS’s served by our unit.
The men and women in uniform are truly overjoyed and I do have some pictures from some of those who have already received a care package.
Thank you again for your care.
CH Dennis B.
Good morning!
Thank you for the boxes! We received a few and are grateful for the donations.
Thank you,
Ericka R.
The Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas are proud to support our troops overseas. There are many ways you can help; you can send requested items to us to be included in the care packages, donate funds through the Click and Pledge link on the left side proud of the page, Venmo us at Nancy@AirborneAngels or send checks made payable to: Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011.