How can you help our nonprofit send care packages to some of the most remote of the roughly 150,000 U.S. military troops serving overseas in 2025?

1) Donate Financially - Our greatest need is cash for our mailing costs. With no paid staff, we strive to maximize the use of donations. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, so your gifts are tax deductible. We accept checks to Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011. You can donate via credit card through our Click and Pledge account. Or you can Venmo us at NancyCarter@AirborneAngels.

2) Donate Goods - Our all-volunteer charity is based in the Dallas area, but receives product donations from across the USA for care packages for our Soldiers and Troops overseas. We kindly request that you contact us at before sending any care package goods.

Care Package banner

Care Package banner


Summer care package ideas for soldiers and troops overseas

One of our soldier contacts in Afghanistan recently wrote, "Over the next 2 months the average high is supposed to be 115. Knowing that I have decided that sunblock is my new daily lotion!"

Average July high temperatures (F) for some areas in Afghanistan:
107.2 - Helmand Province
104.4 - Kandahar  (record high is 116)
102.7 - Jalalabad   (record high is 116)
102.0 - Mazar-i-Sharif  (record high is 118.6)
98.1 - Herat   (record high is 122)
95.0 - Bagram Airfield

The Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas welcomes donations of summer / hot weather related items for our troops (and financial donations to help with the postage). We have shipped many care packages in June with a 4th of July theme, but continue to send off military care packages in between our larger packing parties.

Some of  the hot weather type care package items we could use are:
- Suntan lotion, skin lotion, chapstick/lip balm, facial moisturizers
- Foot powder, baby powder
- Twin sheets (preferably plain darker colors to mask the stains), pillow cases
- Powdered drink mixes (they drink lots of water in the summer)
  (ZipFizz, Crystal Light, Mio, Gatorade, Kool-Aid, FRS, etc.)
- Room deodorizers, Deodorant (non-aerosol)
- Flip flops, sandals (walking to the shower)

Of course, a large assortment of toiletries, snacks, foods, linens and such are shipped year round, and are always welcome.  Our warehouse is in Irving, TX.   And cash donations for postage to ship these care packages is especially needed. If you can support our military care package mission in any way, we would be very grateful.
Great group of volunteers at our June packing party
Hard working Citi volunteers at our June packing party