Arissa McGowan spent over 100 hours making 36 handmade pillowcases for the troops as part of her Girl Scout 'silver award'. Besides being a Girl Scout, she's also part of the Preston Bluebonnet NCL. The soldiers will love to get the pillowcases when they open their care package. These very soft handmade cases will let them know that people back home are thinking of them.
Arissa donated handmade pillowcases to the troops. |
She spent 100 hours working on the pillowcases for her Girl Scout Silver Star award. |
Thank you Arissa McGowan for your support.
The Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas are happy to support our troops overseas. There are many ways you can help; you can send requested items to us to be included in the care packages, donate funds through the Click and Pledge link at the top of the page or send checks made payable to: Airborne Angel Cadets of Texas, P.O. Box 116691, Carrollton, TX 75011.